Coppell FC has partnered with Coach Dillon Vedral and the Vedral Soccer Academy to offer small group skills sessions for intermediate and advanced level players on Tuesday nights (6pm and 7:15pm sessions). We recommend players ages 8 and older for this program. If you are not currently on one of our Coppell FC teams, please email Meghan ( ) prior to registering to discuss your child’s playing ability and the best fit for our skills options. The groups sizes will be 2 to 12 players to work on individual technical ability and agility. These skills sessions are open only to academy and select players.

Location: Andy Brown Central (field location may change due to weather which Meghan will email all attendees)

Duration: One Hour Group Session

Group Levels: Intermediate 6pm & Advanced 7:15pm

What to Wear: Cleats and soccer specific attire. Shin-guards are optional.

What to Bring: Water, Soccer Ball, and a Good Attitude

*no refunds. It is your responsibility to reschedule or discuss payments with Meghan at Coppell FC.